Understanding Salesforce Health Cloud Data Model

6 min readApr 21, 2024

Salesforce Health Cloud emerges as a game-changer, offering a comprehensive solution that empowers healthcare providers to deliver personalized care while optimizing their business processes. At its core lies a robust data model designed to enhance efficiency, drive collaboration, and improve patient outcomes.

The Salesforce Health Cloud data model is engineered to centralize and organize patient data, enabling healthcare organizations to gain a holistic view of each patient’s health journey. It comprises various standard and customizable objects tailored to the unique needs of healthcare providers, including:


  • Explanation: The Patient object serves as the central repository for storing comprehensive information about individual patients, including demographics, medical history, and care preferences.
  • Example: A patient record might include personal details like name, age, contact information, medical conditions, medications, allergies, and care plan details.
  • Best Practices: Ensure that patient records are kept up-to-date and accurate to facilitate personalized care delivery. Implement robust security measures to protect patient confidentiality and comply with healthcare regulations such as HIPAA.

Care Plan:

  • Explanation: Care Plans outline the coordinated approach to patient care, incorporating treatment goals, interventions, and scheduled activities tailored to individual patient needs.
  • Example: A care plan for a diabetic patient might include medication schedules, dietary recommendations, exercise regimens, and regular monitoring parameters.
  • Best Practices: Involve patients in the development and revision of care plans to ensure alignment with their preferences and goals. Regularly review and update care plans based on patient progress and changing health status.

Health Event:

  • Explanation: Health Events represent significant occurrences in a patient’s healthcare journey, such as diagnoses, surgeries, hospitalizations, or major procedures.
  • Example: A health event could be a cancer diagnosis, appendectomy surgery, or heart attack episode.
  • Best Practices: Standardize the documentation of health events to ensure consistency and accuracy in recording patient histories. Use Health Events to track important milestones and interventions, facilitating comprehensive care coordination.


  • Explanation: Referrals track the process of directing patients from one care provider to another for specialized services, consultations, or treatments.
  • Example: A primary care physician may refer a patient to a cardiologist for further evaluation of cardiac symptoms.
  • Best Practices: Streamline referral workflows to ensure timely communication and coordination between referring and receiving providers. Capture relevant details such as reason for referral, urgency, and follow-up requirements.


  • Explanation: Provider records store information about healthcare professionals and organizations involved in patient care, including physicians, specialists, clinics, hospitals, and allied health professionals.
  • Example: A provider record may include details such as name, specialty, contact information, office locations, credentials, and patient ratings.
  • Best Practices: Maintain an accurate and up-to-date provider directory to facilitate patient access to appropriate care services. Establish relationships between patients and providers to support continuity of care and care coordination.

Care Team Member:

  • Explanation: Care Team Members represent individuals involved in a patient’s care coordination, including healthcare providers, caregivers, family members, and support personnel.
  • Example: A care team for an elderly patient might include a primary care physician, home health nurse, physical therapist, family caregiver, and social worker.
  • Best Practices: Define roles and responsibilities for each care team member to ensure clear communication and coordination of care activities. Enable secure communication channels within the platform to facilitate collaboration among care team members.

Health Timeline:

  • Explanation: The Health Timeline provides a chronological view of a patient’s health events, appointments, treatments, and other relevant activities over time.
  • Example: The timeline might include entries such as medication changes, lab results, specialist consultations, and hospital admissions.
  • Best Practices: Encourage healthcare providers to document all significant interactions and interventions in the Health Timeline to maintain a comprehensive overview of the patient’s health history. Use filters and customizable views to focus on specific aspects of the timeline as needed.

Engagement Plan:

  • Explanation: Engagement Plans define strategies for patient communication and outreach to promote proactive care management and patient engagement.
  • Example: An engagement plan for chronic disease management might include reminders for medication adherence, educational materials, wellness coaching sessions, and satisfaction surveys.
  • Best Practices: Segment patient populations based on demographics, health conditions, or engagement preferences to tailor communication strategies effectively. Monitor engagement metrics to evaluate the effectiveness of outreach efforts and adjust plans accordingly.

Medical Device:

  • Explanation: Medical Device records track information about devices used in patient care, such as implantable devices, monitors, infusion pumps, and durable medical equipment.
  • Example: A medical device record might describe a patient’s pacemaker, including model details, implantation date, manufacturer, and maintenance requirements.
  • Best Practices: Integrate medical device data with patient records to provide clinicians with a comprehensive view of patients’ health status and device utilization. Implement alerts for device recalls, maintenance requirements, or abnormal readings to ensure patient safety.


  • Explanation: Outcomes capture the results and impact of healthcare interventions on patient health and well-being, providing quantitative measures of treatment effectiveness and patient satisfaction.
  • Example: Outcomes may include clinical indicators such as blood pressure levels, pain scores, functional status, quality of life assessments, and patient-reported experience measures (PREMs).
  • Best Practices: Define meaningful outcome measures aligned with treatment objectives and patient goals. Regularly assess and analyze outcomes data to evaluate the effectiveness of care delivery and identify opportunities for improvement.

Health Risk Assessment:

  • Explanation: Health Risk Assessments (HRAs) collect information about a patient’s health behaviors, lifestyle factors, and medical history to identify potential health risks and prioritize preventive interventions.
  • Example: An HRA questionnaire may gather data on smoking habits, exercise frequency, diet quality, family history of diseases, and current health concerns.
  • Best Practices: Use HRAs to proactively identify patients at risk for chronic conditions or adverse health outcomes. Incorporate HRA results into care plans to tailor interventions and preventive measures to individual patient needs.

Insurance Coverage:

  • Explanation: Insurance Coverage records document details of patients’ health insurance plans, including coverage levels, benefits, deductibles, copayments, and prior authorizations.
  • Example: An insurance coverage record might include the patient’s insurance carrier, policy number, effective dates, covered services, and associated copayment amounts.
  • Best Practices: Verify and regularly update insurance coverage information to ensure accurate billing and claims processing. Streamline eligibility verification processes to minimize administrative burden and delays in reimbursement.

Health Assessment:

  • Explanation: Health Assessments gather data on a patient’s current health status, symptoms, and subjective experiences to inform clinical decision-making and treatment planning.
  • Example: A health assessment form may include questions about pain intensity, symptom frequency, medication side effects, and functional limitations.
  • Best Practices: Use standardized health assessment tools and questionnaires to systematically capture relevant clinical information. Integrate health assessment data into patient records to provide a comprehensive overview of patients’ health status over time.

Care Plan Template:

  • Explanation: Care Plan Templates define standardized templates for creating care plans based on common clinical scenarios or conditions, streamlining the care planning process and ensuring consistency in care delivery.
  • Example: Care plan templates may be designed for conditions such as diabetes management, hypertension control, post-operative care, or maternity care.
  • Best Practices: Customize care plan templates to align with evidence-based guidelines, best practices, and organizational protocols. Regularly review and update templates to incorporate emerging clinical evidence and patient feedback.

Care Plan Goal:

  • Explanation: Care Plan Goals define measurable objectives and targets within care plans, guiding clinicians and patients toward achieving desired health outcomes.
  • Example: Care plan goals may include targets for blood pressure control, weight management, medication adherence, physical activity levels, or smoking cessation.
  • Best Practices: Set SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals to ensure clarity and effectiveness in goal-setting. Monitor progress toward care plan goals and adjust interventions as needed to optimize patient outcomes.

Salesforce Health Cloud’s robust data model and comprehensive suite of features empower healthcare providers to deliver patient-centric care while optimizing their business operations. By centralizing patient data, facilitating personalized care planning, streamlining appointment management, promoting collaboration, and providing actionable insights, Salesforce Health Cloud serves as a catalyst for innovation and transformation in the healthcare industry. As healthcare continues to evolve, embracing technology-driven solutions like Salesforce Health Cloud will be essential for providers striving to deliver high-quality care and achieve operational excellence in today’s digital era.

Posted originally by me at: Understanding Salesforce Health Cloud Data Model — Salesforce Watch

